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Safety First With Your Stainless Steel Strapping Tool

By December 5, 2014No Comments

It can be very easy to fall into old habits whenever you are doing a job that you have done a thousand times before. And, while we at Independent Metal Strap know that strapping is one of the safest ways to fasten everything from signs to signals on any type of pole or fixture, there are some important good habits we strive to develop.

By learning more about how to use your stainless steel strapping tool, and how to stay safe when mounting signs and signals, you never have to worry about these issues. If you don’t focus in on safety, however, the results can include minor to major injuries, property damage and, at the very least, additional costs to your project in replacement materials and time delays.

Use the Right Tools for the Job

It is always important use the right tools when working with stainless steel strapping. This includes using the properly sized stainless steel strapping tool but it also means using the right type of cutting tool for clean cut without jagged or twisted edges that can cause serious cuts when handling the banding.

Always make the cut when the band isn’t under tension as this will prevent the stainless steel strapping from springing back and potentially causing any type of harm.

Wear Protective Gear

If you are using a stainless steel strapping tool on any type sign or pole you have to be careful for spring back issues as well as sharp edges. Always wear leather gloves when handling the strapping as well as the signs and any of the seals you may need.

On most jobsites steel toed boots or work shoes are a must, but even for putting up signs and signals this protective footgear can save a lot of possible injuries when climbing on ladders and walking around any type of ground surface.

You should also have on safety glasses and a hard hat and we likewise recommend jeans or work pants as well as a long sleeved shirt. While this may be warm on those hot summer days it is the only way to protect yourself from scrapes and possible issues with metal of any type.


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