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Strapping Solution

Strapping Solution: Stainless Steel

By October 11, 2015No Comments

Stainless steel strapping is primed for indoor as well as outdoor use. Designed to withstand high pressure conditions, the stainless steel banding offers you elongation along with incredible break power. And since it’s made out of steel, the material demonstrates high resistance to corrosion and UV rays. But where did this premium grade strapping come from?

History of Stainless Steel

It was by Pierre Berthier, a French metallurgist, that stainless steel was first discovered. This was in the 1800s. Berthier concluded, through his experiments, that when you combine iron with chromium, you basically produced a material that was highly resistant to acid. Though remarkable, the combination was too brittle to be considered of any practical use. Mass production of the material wouldn’t have been wise. And so the experiments went on.

Early Attempts

But it wasn’t until a patent would emerge and change the game again. In 1912, the patent for austenitic stainless steel was finally provided. As far as remarkable developments went, this was a big one – so much so that it was finally used to develop a hull for a yacht. That hull demonstrated the main quality we would all associate with stainless steel: high resistance to corrosion.

In the same year, the martensitic stainless steel alloy—the very first of its kind—was produced in the U.S. but it wouldn’t be until 1919 when the patent was granted. It wouldn’t be an American, though, who would turn the key in the next series of events that unfolded.


Harry Brearly, a resident of Sheffield, England was only trying to figure out a way to equip gun barrels with a material that needed to display high resistance to corrosion. His experiments led to the combination of something groundbreaking: stainless steel, a material so well-used in nearly all industries around the world. As for Brearly, his alloy gained enormous fame and continues to live on in his brand of cutlery, a product that’s still in the market today.

Stainless Steel Today

Today, stainless steel strapping demonstrates that same resistance to corrosion, that strength to withstand extreme, high-pressure environments in many applications in the world. That, along with countless product improvements, has made stainless steel strapping one of the most flexible, multipurpose strapping products out there.

To ensure the quality of your stainless steel strapping banding even further, go for a company that delivers only premium strapping solutions. At Independent Metal Strap, we believe in quality. For us, it’s the only thing that’s good enough.


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